Animal Control surveying Berrien County municipalities


There’s a lot happening lately at Berrien County Animal Control.

Speaking to colleagues this week, Berrien County Commissioner Jim Curran said the administration committee was recently briefed by shelter manager Ashley Herr. She’s been working on a survey being sent to local governments throughout the county to learn how animal control can better serve them.

“She is sending them out to all the municipalities in the county, and basically it says how important are animal services such as low-cost spay and neuter, low-cost vaccination clinics, or a pet food pantry to your community? Other questions deal with services of animal control to the communities and how they take advantage of those services.”

County Administrator Brian Dissette said animal control is also meeting this week with MSU Extension to arrange for a mobile spaying and neutering clinic to come to the area. He said the goal is to get more visits than MSU was originally intending.