Lincoln Township moving forward with sidewalk project


The Lincoln Township Board of Trustees has authorized a sidewalk project connecting roughly the township library to the village limits of Stevensville.

At a meeting this past week, Supervisor Dick Stauffer said a recent allocation secured by state Representative Joey Andrews will give the township the last bit of funding it needs to move forward with the long-planned John Beers Road sidewalk. He told us more.

“The sidewalk will be a sidewalk on the north and the south side of John Beers connecting to the existing sidewalk at Roosevelt headed west on both sides to Demorrow Road, which is the village limits,” Stauffer said. “So, we’ll have connectivity to the village, which has been a goal in our master plan for roughly 15 years.”

Stauffer said the township already had about $500,000 in grants lined up for the work, and then the allocation from Andrews came through. This left the township about $23,000 short of the total needed. The township will kick that in itself, which Stauffer said is a pretty reasonable amount for a nearly $1 million project.

Stauffer expects the work could take place in 2025.