Minimum wage fight headed to court


Michigan groups advocating for a minimum wage hike and paid leave say they’ll finally see their day in court next month.

Petitioners are expected in Michigan Supreme court following the Michigan Legislature’s 2018 adoption of a citizen-initiated petition mandating paid sick time.

An “adopt and amend approach” taken by the Legislature altered provisions in the original law. Chris White, director of Restaurant Opportunities Centers of Michigan, says the legislation is unconstitutional, but remains optimistic Michigan’s high court will rule in favor of Michiganders who need the benefits most.

“We feel hopeful that the court will rule in favor of both ‘adopt and amend’ as well as the minimum wage question. The time that’s lost, the wage will probably increase to about $13.65 an hour, but we have to be able to pay our workers more.”

Other Michigan groups, like One Fair Wage, have proposed an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour hour by 2027.

The current minimum wage is $10.10 an hour and is due to increase to $10.33 cents an hour under current law.