Man charged in crash that killed road worker headed for trial this winter


A man charged in a fatal crash that killed a worker for the Van Buren County Road Commission this year will be going to trial on charges of drunk driving causing death, a moving violation in a work zone causing death, and driving without insurance.

31-year-old Logan Brown of Hartford was in a Van Buren County courtroom Friday for a hearing. He was asking the judge to rule there’s not enough evidence to send his case to trial.

Van Buren County Prosecutor Susan Zuiderveen tells us the judge denied the motion.

She says several road commission workers were in the courtroom Friday, and it was “heartbreaking.”

Zuiderveen says the defense did ask for an adjournment so it could have more time to work with experts on the case, and the judge agreed. Therefore, the trial will not be held in October as originally scheduled. She says the judge indicated the trial will likely now be in November or December.

Brown is facing up to 15 years in prison for the crash.