South Haven City Council Given Update On LMC Millage Renewal


Lake Michigan College officials have given the South Haven City Council an update on today’s millage renewal. Associate Dean of the South Haven LMC Campus and Select Academic Programs Jeremy Burleson talked to them about how much money it saves students.

“South Haven students have saved $3.6 million by being part of the Lake Michigan College district and paying in-district tuition instead of out-of-district tuition. So first and foremost, I have a son that’s a senior right now and one that is a freshman coming up, so I understand the family value of saving that amount of money and being in-district tuition.”

Burleson and LMC Director of Government and Community Relations Al Pscholka urged the council and voters in the area to approve the millage renewal, which will not raise taxes. The polls are open until 8 p.m. tonight.