South Haven Voters Facing Mayor’s Race Decision Tuesday


Three candidates for South Haven mayor will be on the ballot Tuesday in South Haven. City Councilmember Joe Reeser, former Mayor Robert Burr, and former South Haven Public School Board of Education president Annie Brown are all running to succeed Mayor Scott Smith, who chose not to seek reelection. The top two vote getters will face each other in the November general election.

Lake Michigan College is also asking voters to approve its charter millage renewal for operating costs. The millage would extend another 20 years through 2043 and remain at 0.8804 mill. The millage was supposed to be on the ballot in May, but was pulled by LMC to make it less confusing. The millage would cost the owner of a property valued at $100,000 $88 a year. Polls are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.