Benton Township seeking $1 million park grant


The Benton Township Board of Trustees is seeking a $1 million grant to make improvements at Benton Township Park. The board voted this week to seek the Spark Grant after hearing a presentation from Wightman. Township Supervisor Kathy Yates tells us they’ve got big plans for the funds, including the construction of a third pavilion.

“We would like to add more seating to the other two pavilions that we have,” Yates said. “We’d like lighting so that people would be able to stay longer. We’d also like to have security cameras to ensure safety. We would like to redo the fence and be able to lock it when the time comes. Improve the roads also. Make it so that instead of coming to a dead end, you can circle around for safety reasons.”

Yates says they’ll also improve the boat docks. She says the goal is to attract even more people to an already well-used park. Wightman’s Matt Davis told trustees the township is in a good position to be approved for the grant. Yates says if it is approved, the work at the park could start next year.