Market Van Buren Hopeful Palisades Can Restart, But Not Counting On It


Market Van Buren executive director Zach Morris says they are hopeful but not expecting that Holtec International will receive a federal loan to restart the Palisades nuclear power plant.

“It’s been our largest taxpayer in Van Buren County, it’s one of our leading employers, they pay a high wage, and having them back into the mix potentially is very exciting because we have a lot of other things that have been paying off for us in our growth strategy in terms of our economy, but adding that plant in is like that extra present on your birthday you weren’t counting on, but you got.”

Holtec International applied for the loan through the U.S. Department of Energy after getting word they were turned down for a grant for Palisades. Governor Whitmer is in favor of restarting the plant, as is state Senate Minority Leader Aric Nesbitt. Holtec bought the plant from Entergy with the goal of decommissioning it, but decided to try to get it refired.