New State Legislature Gets To Work


New sessions began in the Michigan Senate and the House Wednesday. State senators were in sworn into office. Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks addressed them.

“This moment is both exciting and solemn,” Brinks said. “Serving here is a privilege and an honor. The oath that you are about to take asks you to uphold the Constitution and to perform your duties to the best of your ability.”

History was made in the state House as Detroit Democrat Joe Tate is the first African American to be the House Speaker. State Senator Aric Nesbitt, the new Republican leader in the Senate, issued a statement calling for bipartisan collaboration to expand opportunities to live, work, and raise families in Michigan. He said it’s his “hope that we effectively serve by empowering the people to strengthen our economy, help family budgets, and improve educational opportunities. The people entrusted us with this great honor, and we have a responsibility to achieve results.”