“Way Back When” TODAY!


Paul Layendecker’s “WAY BACK WHEN” for Weds., Oct 19, 2022

1752 Ben Franklin’s famous kite experiment that proved lightning and electricity were related. It is unlikely the kite was struck by lightning, as this would have probably seriously injured Franklin, but simply gathered electricity from the storm as Franklin predicted it would.

1781 British General Cornwallis surrendered with 8000 soldiers to General George Washington at Yorktown, ending the last major battle of the War.

1983 The first federal annual holiday honoring a Black American was created when the U.S. Senate voted to set aside the third Monday in January to honor the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Music History:

1985 A-Ha went to No.1 on the US singles chart with ‘Take on Me’, making them the first Norwegian group to get a US No.1. The video for the song featured the band in a pencil-sketch animation method called rotoscoping, combined with live action which won six awards and was nominated for two others at the 1986 MTV Video Music Awards.


 Notable Birthdays today:

Jason Reitman 45

Ty Pennington 57

Evander Holyfield. The boxing legend turns 60 today.



Credit to:

Thisdayinmusic.com and Thisdaytrivia.com