Berrien County Starting To Receive Broadband Proposals From Townships


Broadband proposals for federal ARPA funds are starting to come into the Berrien County Board of Commissioners. Speaking Thursday, Commissioner Teri Freehling said two applications for broadband expansion projects have come in to BC Bit, both of which seek to put up township dollars to be combined with the county’s ARPA funding.

“Bainbridge Township’s project, that’s $750,000, and is actually going to help them finish out their entire township,” Freehling said. “It’s 15 miles of infrastructure that they’re going to be installing into their township.”

Freehling said the other application to come into the county’s broadband committee is from Oronoko Township. It’s taken $700,000 of its ARPA funds, all the money it received, and put it up as a match to receive $700,000 more in ARPA funds to construct more than 27 miles of infrastructure for broadband deployment.