Groups Work To Find Housing For LGBTQ Youth This Winter


Michigan organizations are working to provide safe and warm places for the homeless as winter sets in. One in ten young adults, ages 18 to 25, experiences homelessness in the course of a year. Homelessness is 83% more likely for a young person who’s Black, and 120% more likely for one who identifies as LGBTQ. OutFront Kalamazoo Director of Homeless Youth Programs Hunter Willard says the group is looking for volunteers to host young LGBTQ people in their homes.

“A lot of shelters are not affirming to LGBT folks, especially trans people. They’re, in fact, dangerous for trans people a lot of the times.”

Studies have shown LGBTQ youth who are homeless are more likely to experience violence and sexual abuse, and to turn to substance use as a coping strategy. 62% of LGBTQ youth surveyed by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago said they had been physically harmed by others.