“Way Back When” for Thurs. Sept. 2, 2021


Paul Layendecker’s “WAY BACK WHEN” for Thursday, Sept. 3, 2021

 1789 The U.S. Department of Treasury was established.

1901 Expressing his desire for a strong foreign policy, U.S. Vice President (soon to be President) Theodore Roosevelt made his famous proclamation, “Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick.”

1993 Two men completed their horseback journey from the southern tip of South America to the Arctic Circle. They started out in February of 1988.


Music History:

25 years ago today, Los Del Rio was at #1 on the US Singles charts with The Macarena. It spent a near record 14 weeks at number one and was on the Hot 100 list for 60 weeks.


Notable Birthdays today:

Keanu Reeves 57

Tennis great Jimmy Connors 69

Mark Harmon 70