Drug Take Back Day Set For Next Month


The Drug Enforcement Agency has announced its next Take Back Day will be next month. It’s a chance for anyone who wants to get rid of unused medications to drop them off with police so they can be delivered to the DEA and destroyed safely. During the last Drug Take Back Day, in October, the DEA collected a record-high nearly 500 tons of unwanted drugs. The agency says with studies indicating a majority of abused prescription drugs come from family and friends, including from home medicine cabinets, clearing out unused medicine is essential. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. has seen an increase in overdose deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic, with more than 83,500 Americans overdosing during the 12 month period ending July 1. That’s the highest death count ever recorded from drug overdoses in a one year period. The DEA has a search function on its website for people to find take back sites near them for the Take Back Day on April 24. When you drop off unused medications for Take Back Day, your identity is not collected.