LaSata Calls For High School Winter Sports To Be Allowed


State Senator Kim LaSata is calling on Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to allow high school winter sports to resume. She is a co-sponsor of a resolution to that effect. LaSata’s office has released the following:

A resolution co-sponsored by Sen. Kim LaSata urging Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to lift the suspension on high school and youth winter sports and allow play to resume immediately was approved on Thursday.

“I have been following the Michigan High School Athletic Association’s efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among players and coaches during the first half of the school year,” said LaSata, R-Bainbridge Township. “Athletes, families and coaches have been making it a priority to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and their responsibility has paid off. Data indicates that virtually none of them have even tested positive for the virus, let alone spread it to others.”

Senate Resolution 7 cites the executive director of the Michigan High School Athletic Association, who indicated over 30,000 rapid COVID-19 tests conducted on athletes over the last three months for fall sports had a negative 99.8% test rate. Also cited are data from a national survey of high school and college students, which indicated 87% reported stress and anxiety, while 57% reported that their mental health had worsened because of the coronavirus.

“Once again, the governor and her administration’s policies are keeping people from doing what they love — this time sidelining our student athletes from competing without the science to back it up,” LaSata said. “Not only is it disappointing, but it ignores the enormous efforts being made by student athletes, coaches and parents to let kids play safely. It also discounts the incredible positives that come with playing team sports, like exercise, teamwork, and the development of leadership skills — things that contribute to their long-term physical and mental well-being. It’s past time the governor let them play.”

Residents interested in viewing the recent hearing of the Senate Education and Career Readiness Committee discussion on SR7 may do so here: