President-Elect Biden Calls Muskegon Nurses


Mercy Health Muskegon’s nurses took a FaceTime call on Thanksgiving from President-elect Joe Biden and his wife, Jill. The surprise call lasted about five minutes before they were called to an emergency. Biden told them their work is critical, thanked them, and he and Jill wanted to hear from them as well.

“How are you all feeling?” asked Jill Biden, with Joe adding “For real. Tell us.”

“We’re hanging in there. It’s a struggle, it’s hard, but we’re going it and doing what we do,” one nurse said.

“What are your greatest concerns?” asked the President-elect, with all nurses saying staffing.

The President-elect sought out the workers after learning of the surge in COVID-19 cases. During the conversation, Biden recalled being in the hospital previously and said while the doctors saved him, the nurses made him want to live.