State Education Official Slams Lawmakers Over Back To School Plans


The vice president of the Michigan Board of Education is taking aim at legislators, accusing them of placing the economy above the health of the state’s children in the push to reopen in the fall. Pamela Pugh says she fears school buildings and their ventilation systems have been so neglected that they will hasten the airborne spread of COVID 19. Especially, Pugh says, in hard hit areas like Detroit, where officials were willing to spend money on the new Little Caesar’s Arena.

“Our children’s money went to that area to the tune of $300 million because that is where our legislators have placed their priorities, not on our children,” Pugh said, “Now they need these children to enter into those school buildings and be experiments.”

Pugh is urging parents to contact their local legislators to demand that the ventilation and plumbing systems of schools are in shape before they reopen in the fall.