Police Plan More Tire Collection Events


An effort to clean up tires around the city of Benton Harbor made a splash last week. At this past week’s city commission meeting, Benton Harbor Director of Public Safety Dan McGinnis said the event last Friday at Dwight P. Mitchell City Center Park resulted in a lot of tires being dropped off.

“It was a start,” McGinnis said. “It was a start. To give you an idea, we collected on that day 1,645 tires from the city. That is not so much a dent, perhaps a scratch.”

McGinnis said more has to be done, pointing to one area they didn’t get to.

“We haven’t even approached tire heaven, which I took Commissioner Isom to and Commissioner Singleton to see first hand,” McGinnis said. “There’s easily 600 to 800 tires in the ravine alone.”

McGinnis saluted everyone who helped out with the effort, and said he’ll be asking commissioners for support to do more clean-ups. He added cameras will be going into areas where dumping is common in order to catch future violators.