BH Public Safety Fire Warning


The Benton Harbor Department of Public Safety is advising residents to be on the lookout for signs they may have electrical problems in their homes. At this week’s city commission meeting, Public Safety Director Dan McGinnis said his department has dealt with several fires recently, including one that destroyed the home of a single mother and her four children on Cass Street Monday. McGinnis says many older homes in the city lack updated electricity, and you can tell when that’s the case.

“Maybe you have a slight flicker in your lights,” McGinnis said. “You’ve got to unplug your toaster to make your microwave work. That is a humongous sign.”

McGinnis said whether you own the place or you’re renting, you can call the Benton Harbor Department of Public Safety, and they’ll come out to do an inspection. He said they won’t just use the visit as an excuse to cite someone. McGinnis said the main thing is public safety wants to make sure no one loses their home.