Andrews Pushes Insurance Reform, Affordable Housing Plan


With the big election just about here, Democratic candidate for the Michigan House in the 79th District Joey Andrews has issued some documents outlining his positions on affordable housing and auto insurance reform. Andrews tells WSJM News allowing auto insurers to consider education level and credit history when setting someone’s rates just hurts the poor.

“I think we should make it so the insurance companies have to use your driving record as the primary determination for how much you’re paying for insurance,” Andrews said. “Factors like the age of the car, obviously, make sense as well.”

Andrews wants to reform the rules for insurance companies and increase transparency with the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association. He also tells us a large number of Michigan residents can’t find affordable housing because they don’t qualify for aid.

“They may not need the same type of assistance as somebody who’s making less than $20,000 a year, but housing subsidies or getting them access to specialized loan programs, things of those natures could go a really long way to getting somebody into stable housing,” Andrews said.

Andrews recommends bolstering the Michigan Housing and Community Development Fund to tackle that problem. He’s making a final push before the polls close and tells us he’s cautiously optimistic.