Vote Expected For Parks Improvements


Congress hasn’t made a significant investment in to upgrade and fix the National Park system in more than 50 years, but that could soon change. A vote in the U.S. Senate this week could advance legislation to address the $11.6 billion in deferred maintenance needs. Marcia Argust with the “Restore America’s Parks Campaign” at The Pew Charitable Trusts tells us with 2.7 million visitors every year, Michigan’s national parks are the backbones of many local economies.

“In Michigan, where Senator Stabenow sits on the Senate committee that will soon consider the Restore Our Parks Act, park visitors spent over $230 million in local communities last year, and parks generated over 3,400 jobs.”

Wile Congress hasn’t made a significant investment to upgrade national parks in 50 years, Argust is optimistic this legislation will pass. Beyond improving visitor safety, she notes the funding would preserve historic projects and buildings for future generations.