Pscholka To Serve As Next State Budget Director


Governor Rick Snyder has tapped former state Representative Al Pscholka to be the next state budget director. Pscholka, who just left office after six years representing the 79th District in the state House, tells us he’s got a few priorities for the new job.

“I’d like to see the state of Michigan have an increased credit rating once again,” Pscholka said. “I think there’s still a little bit of room to do that. I’d like to go 8 for 8 on finishing the budget in June, and I’d also like to see us get above a billion dollars in the Rainy Day Fund.”

Pscholka’s job as budget director will be to work with the governor and the legislature on approving a balanced budget on time each year. He tells us he excited to take on a role that draws on his experience as the House Appropriations Committee chair. Pscholka takes the post next month.