Suitcases For Kids Campaign Begins


It’s time once again for the Realtors Association of Southwest Michigan’s Suitcases for Kids drive. Each year, the group collects duffel bags, backpacks, and personal care items to be given to children in the local foster care system. Realtors Association Director Gary Walter tells WSJM News they need all the help they can get.

“A lot of the kids are put into the foster care program and are coming to the social services department without anything, and so they need basic things,” Walter said.

The Realtors Association is looking for items like socks, shampoo, soaps, sanitary items, combs and brushes, deodorant, and toothpaste. It’ll also take cash donations, and if you give $20, you’ll be entered into a raffle for a stay at the Inn at Harbor Shores or another prize. Drop off donations at local realtors or the office of the Southwest Michigan Association of Realtors in St. Joseph. They’ll take donations throughout the month of September.